1. How well did you follow the rule?
I got this photo because the people are the balance.
2. What is the subject?
the subject is the boys because that look balance
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
people looking at this photo probably don't know what it is.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
i could have done better by thanking a better balance photo.
1. How well did you follow the rule?
i follow the rule good i thank because the books and the girl is in the correct spot.
2. What is the subject?
the subject is the books because is represents the lines of the spins of the books.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
people may have trouble but i thank that will finger it out.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
i could have taken the photo strata.
Rule of Thirds
1. How well did you follow the rule?
i followed the rule pretty good i thank.
2. What is the subject?
the subject is the girl leaning on the book shelf.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
people my be confused because that my thank its the person in the red shirt.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
i could have got it a little better.
1. How well did you follow the rule?
i did bad on this one.
2. What is the subject?
the subject is the lady on the computer.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
i thank people may have trouble looking at this photo.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
i could have got gust the lady on the computer.
Avoiding Mergers
1. How well did you follow the rule?
i did bad in this rule
2. What is the subject?
the subject is the arm and the wall.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
it is not clear to people because that don't know what the subject is.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
i coud have find a beter merger.
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